Mastermind (Shared Resources & Information)

Thank you so much for participating in the ReGenerative Community Development Mastermind! I appreciate each and everyone of you for your contributions and care for the health of our planet. Below are links, information and a variety of ways to take action and engage with the regenerative movement!

(we recommend you bookmark this page for easy access and reference)

Master Index

This document is our Master Index… all of our documents can be accessed here (

Contact List/Skills (Needs & Offers)

Please use this document to share your name, contact information and skills.  You can also use this document to share any NEEDS and/or OFFERS (

Session Recording (Youtube)

Here is a link to the session recording if anyone would like to review it or share it with friends (

Patreon Membership

If you would like to continue participating in the monthly Mastermind Sessions and would like to become a Patreon member here is the link ( We invite you to consider the $3-5/month option!

Notes & Action Items

This document has the notes and action items from each breakout group (

Facebook Group

Feel free to use our Facebook group to share information and stay connected between sessions! (

Resource List

Please use this document to share links and information about any resources relevant to ReGenerative Community Development. This is our collective wisdom share and will be a valuable open-sourced list (

Community Building Resources

Here is a list of resources we have found inspiring and insightful in the context of building healthy, thriving commUnity! (

 Solar Energy Alliance

We are honored to be working together with the Solar Energy Alliance. Below are several ways you can engage in the renewable energy movement!

☀️ Free Solar Design (

☀️ Solar Ambassador Program (

☀️ Alliance Partnership (

Events Calendar

Check out our calendar to see dates for upcoming events and to register for the next mastermind! We typically hold the mastermind on the first Thursday of the month, yet it is a good idea to confirm the date on the website before registering. You are welcome to invite friends, family, colleagues and other co-creators!

 🌎 Mastermind (

 🌎 Calendar (

In service with love & gratitude,

Joshua Alvord

links for easy reference and sharing…

 🌎 Calendar (
 🌎 RCD Mastermind (
 🌎 Patreon Members (
 🌎 Facebook Page (

☀️ Free Solar Design (
☀️ Solar Ambassador Program (
☀️ Alliance Partnership (


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