If you are receiving this invitation it means someone in our CommUnity Visioning group would like for you to join us… awesome… thank you for your interest!  Please complete the form below… then followup with your sponsor (the person who sent you this invite).  Please read our overview statement below and review some of the CommUnity Visions from members already in the group HERE.  You can also watch our initial CommUnity Visioning meeting and introduction videos below… or HERE. It is appreciated (yet not required) if you could share with us a short introduction video of yourself… sharing a bit of your background, skills and why you feel inspired to be part of this group! You can send questions and/or videos to (visioning@local-earth.org).

This is a group of people with interest in forming intentional communities and ecovillages. This group is a container to share ideas, information and inspiration with one another on this journey and exploration of creating community. This group is supporting numerous community projects to emerge, gain momentum and with hope eventually to full manifestation of thriving communities (that are possibly connected as a network with shared common values and intentions).

Community Visioning Form

Please complete this form… then followup with your sponsor!

CommUnity Visioning 1/22/21 (Global)

Michael Ravenwood (San Diego/Encinitas, CA)

Joshua Alvord (San Diego, CA)

Kimberly Brooke (Marin, CA)

Steven Narasimha (Lake County, CA)

Steph McCoy (San Diego, CA)

Phoenix Thunderbird & Sequoia Satori (Los Angeles, CA)

Leona Grunow (Boulevard, CA – Near San Diego)

Charlotte Hills (San Diego, CA)

Mark McMahon (San Diego/Bay Area, CA)

Next video… coming soon… check back soon!



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