We invite you to join us for the Tiny Footprint Social this Thursday!!  We are a like-minded group of friends, family and commUnity with a shared intention to co-create the most healthy and beautiful world possible.  We gather once per month to discuss steps of action that each of us can take personally that represent our values of using the earth’s natural resources in the most healthy, efficient and mindful ways possible.

We focus on one specific area of life per month for the challenge (water, food, energy, shelter, waste, etc)  Our group has chosen to start with one of our most precious natural resources, WATER!  The primary focus of this month’s discussion will be on ‘WATER’.  We are officially starting the challenge on May 1st!  This leave us about 2 months to plan and prepare for an epic launch of this grassroots environmental campaign and commUnity movement!

The Tiny Footprint Challenge is a social & environmental campaign inspiring healthy use of the world’s natural resources.  Our mission is to educate people with simple and effective ways to minimize their ecologic footprint.

Time: 6:30 – 9:00 PM

  • 6:30 – Potluck
  • 7:15 – Community & Challenge Discussion
  • 8:15 – Open Canvas

Date: Thursday, February 18th

Location: Casa de Bloom – 3123 Quince Street – San Diego, 92104

The evening starts off with a healthy organic potluck, please bring something yummy to share if you join us during this time (6:30 – 7:15).  We then facilitate a 45-60 minute group discussion on the specific topic for the month (7:15 – 8:15).  The discussion will be focused on identifying small, medium and large steps of action that will become the challenge guidelines for the associated month.  After our discussion the evening is an open canvas for creativity, synergy, expression and collaboration.  Some potential options are intentional art projects, music, films or presentations from local individuals/organizations that are involved in synergistic endeavors.

Our monthly socials are always free, yet we kindly ask if participants would consider a $1 donation each month that we can offer to our hosts for providing us with such a wonderful space to gather.  ***PARKING: To respect our elderly neighbors, please park around the corner on 31st Street or Redwood Street. Also, please come and go from the property quietly. Thank you!!***

February Discussion Agenda

  • Steps of ACTION for healthy WATER systems (local and global)
  • Support & participation with the “San Diego Heirloom Seed Swap” – 3/20
  • Planning for film screening event “How to Change the World” – 4/16
  • Planning a kick-off event in collaboration with the launch of Trevor Green’s new album ‘Voice of the Wind’ – 4/30
  • Plans for a WATER bike tour “In the Flow” (visiting 4-6 homes in San Diego with rainwater catchment and greywater systems – educating participants with things they can do at home) – 5/21

We always strive to LEAVE A POSITIVE FOOTPRINT with our Local Earth Events.  Please help us do this by bringing your own cutlery, plate/bowl and reusable drinking vessel.  This will help us minimize waste from plastic cups/utensils and paper plates.  While preparing your food for the potluck please consider the option of buying organic ingredients in bulk from the market.  Small steps like this help minimize waste from processed and packaged foods.


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