Become a Member!

Become a Local Earth Patreon Member for as little as $1 per month!

(Join our Global Team of Visionaries)


Greetings global citizens! We are extremely grateful and honored to be connecting with you here as potential Local Earth Patreon & Global Visionary Team Members.  We have chosen 100% full-time commitment to planetary service and Earth stewardship – and we invite YOU to join us on the journey!

It is with great joy that we share with you the Earth 2.0 Research Project, United Earth Nation (UEN), ReGenerative Community Development Plan, Solar Energy Alliance (SEA), Renewable Energy Ambassador Program, Local Earth Discussion Series and Ecological Lifestyle ImmersionThe collective intention of these projects and initiatives is to inspire, educate and demonstrate how the human species can live in a healthy and harmonious balance with the planet as a whole. (Click here for more information on all of these projects and initiatives)

The Earth 2.0 Research Project is a collaborative, open-source research project designed to discover innovative and regenerative solutions to the current social and environmental challenges we are facing on the planet today. We are re-evaluating all social and societal systems with the intention of upgrading or redesigning all systems necessary to support the optimal health and evolution of the planet.

We have many amazing ways you can participate with, contribute to and collaborate with the global team of visionaries that are co-creating these projects and initiatives… we invite you to JOIN THE TEAM!  This is about co-creating a healthy world where all beings thrive… this is not about money.  For this reason we choose your level of participation to be based on how deeply your heart and soul resonates with this mission… rather than how much money you can contribute.

At any level of membership you have access to participate in ALL of these programs and initiatives. You have the option to become a Local Earth Patreon and Global Visionary Team Member by contributing as little as $1 per month… up to $33 per month (with MANY options in between). We invite you to contribute as generously as feels good in your heart!  We have a LOT to accomplish… every bit of currency contributed helps support the forward momentum of these initiatives!

Patreon Members have many ways to participate, contribute to and co-create the most healthy, thriving world possible…

Earth 2.0 Research Project
We invite you to join us in the development and implementation of Earth 2.0 Research Project. Our 5 Step Methodology is to: Identify > Discover > Connect > Create > Implement (

United Earth Nation (UEN)
We invite you to join us in the development and implementation of the United Earth Nation (UEN). We are currently creating the 1st draft of the UEN Declaration & Charter (similar to the creation of the Charter of the United Nations, Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States).

ReGenerative Community Development Plan
We invite you to join us in the design and implementation of our ReGenerative Community Development Plan. We are currently developing the plans and blueprints for our ‘Village’ scale communities of approximately 150 people. (

Solar Energy Alliance (SEA) 
We invite you to join us on our mission to transition our country to 100% renewable energy and support the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2035. We have numerous ways your can participate with us or become a partner in the alliance. (

Solar Ambassador Program (Rise & Shine)
We invite you to become a Solar Ambassador for our Rise & Shine campaign!  Help educate your friends, family and colleagues about the benefits of solar energy. The ambassador program provides you with the opportunity to be financially rewarded in a very generous way for helping promote clean, renewable energy. (

Local Earth Discussion Series 
We invite you to participate with us in the Local Earth Discussion Series. Watch episode from our 3 channels… Visionary Solutions, ReGenerative Community Development & Ecological Lifestyle. Join us for our interactive Q&A sessions with visionary leaders from around the world! (

Ecological Lifestyle Immersion
We invite you to join us in the Ecological Lifestyle Immersion and Eco-Challenge! This program is a launchpad for anyone with a desire to live a healthy, holistic and regenerative lifestyle!  We provide ecologically mindful steps of action, information and resources that empower participants to make educated daily choices that support the health, ecological balance and well-being of our local communities and planet as a whole. (

Become a Member!

Become a Local Earth Patreon Member for as little as $1 per month!

(Join our Global Team of Visionaries)

With love & gratitude,
Joshua Alvord & the Local Earth (Global Visionary) Team


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