Gathering of the Tribes
Next Gatherings…
In Person: Typically the 3rd Saturday of the month (see links below)
December 21st
January 18th
February 15th
(The online gatherings are paused until further notice)
Imagine living in a community with kindred spirits that share a common vision and intention to live a life of beauty, health and harmony connected to nature.
How would it feel to co-create a community where it is part of your daily life to cook and eat delicious meals together, play music and dance around the fire, do yoga, meditate, pray, play and live in a conscious way?
Can you envision being part of a community where we grow organic food together, build our homes out of beautiful natural materials and raise our children together in a way that is intimately connected to the Earth? If this vision of commUnity sings to your heart and soul, we invite you to join us for Gathering of the Tribes!
This is an invitation for those who are ready to cultivate a life more connected to nature, spirit and community. This is a calling for those who are ready to gather around the fire in honor and celebration of the beauty and sacredness of all life. Many of us are tuning into “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible” – and we are ready to find our tribes!
Gathering of the Tribes is an opportunity for you to come together with like-minded people to cultivate deep connection and build community (online & onland). Some of our key interests as a group are land stewardship, environmental sustainability, regeneration, resilience, indigenous wisdom, social justice, equitable economic systems, permaculture, natural building, affordable housing, childcare, education, organic gardening/farming, community land trusts, bee keeping, holistic health, well being, sovereignty, evolved democratic governance models, life as ceremony, plant allies, spiritual connection, meditation, prayer, music, yoga, dance, purpose, seva/service, whole systems design, intentional community and ecovillage development.
There is a virtual component for us to connect all around the world, as well as an in person component to gather in our local communities where we live. If you would like to get a feel for the intentions of the gathering you can read our prayer & manifesto here.
If you have not watched this video and short story “Gathering of the Tribe”, I highly recommend you watch it now! This video and many of the writings by Charles Eisenstein have added to the inspiration for these gatherings!
Please join our Telegram Group. This is how we all stay connected with one another, communicate, share ideas, links and information.
Help us build our tribe and community by inviting and sharing the gatherings on Facebook!
Real World Gathering (3rd Saturday of the month)
On the third Saturday of the month we gather together in person in our local community to celebrate life and deepen our connections. We use this general template as a framework for our in-person gatherings, yet the local organizing group has the liberty to modify the specifics to meet their local needs. If there is not already a local gathering taking place in your town/area, we invite you to start one! (if for some reason Saturday doesn’t work for your local group, you can shift it to Friday or Sunday – the important thing is that we actually get together in person, whenever it is)
PAUSED: Online Gathering (1st Thursday of the month @ 6pm PST)
The online Zoom gatherings are paused right now until further notice. We are currently having in person gatherings in San Diego and Taos. You are welcome and invited to begin hosting a local gathering in your town. Contact Joshua on Telegram to get details about starting a gathering in your home community!
CURRENTLY PAUSED: We gather online via Zoom to connect with the larger tribe worldwide. This is an opportunity to meet and network with people all around the world with shared vision and values – an invitation to connect our local tribes and network our global tribe. We have breakout rooms for smaller groups to connect more intimately, and then come back to the main group to share the wisdom and insight that was cultivated in the smaller groups. For people that are interested to live in or form an intentional community, there are opportunities for people to find intentional communities that already exist or are in the formation process. (read the gathering Prayer & Manifesto here)
Click the Zoom link button above to join our monthly online gatherings (1st Thursday of the month @ 6pm PDT – unless otherwise communicated).
Imagine gathering around the fire with kindred spirits… opening sacred space…
calling in the four directions… offerings prayers and blessings for the wellbeing of all life and creation
Core Values
- Cultivating deep connection with nature, spirit and community
- Inspiring and demonstrating that the human species can live in a conscious and balanced way that contributes to the health and wellbeing of the planet as a whole
- Living in gratitude, right relation and reciprocity
- Honoring the sacred
- Celebrating the beauty and abundance of this planet & being good stewards
- Honoring and learning about Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)
- Living and embodying the Seven Generation philosophy and way of life
- Living a life of love, harmony, peace and unity
- Acknowledging and understanding we are all ONE tribe (the Earth tribe) – while simultaneously honoring the diversity of our smaller, bio-regionally and culturally specific communities, clans and tribes
- Honoring and acknowledging the First Nations; cultivating healing and reparations for the harms and injustices that have been enacted upon Indigenous peoples of the world
- Provide guidance for the appropriate use of technology to ensure that it is used in a way that truly benefits the health of the planet and all of life (see Eagle & Condor Prophecy)
- Inspiring the adoption and use of renewable energy (Solar Energy Alliance)
- Supporting organic and regenerative practices of agriculture and permaculture
- Just and equitable distribution of wealth, power, authority and resources
- Council based leadership (similar to models like Sociocracy and Holocracy)
- Cultivating optimal health and wellbeing
- Minimal, mindful and conscious use of substances (transforming patterns of unhealthy addiction into healthy lifestyles of fulfillment and wellbeing)
Cultivate, Grow & Support your Local Tribe (worldwide)
Some of the original members of this group are in San Diego, CA – so we are working together to organize the in-person San Diego gatherings. There is also a new group starting up in Taos, New Mexico in October 2024. If you are joining from somewhere else in the world and think you might be the only one currently participating in the group from your town or area… invite a few friends from your local area to join us for the next online gathering! (To START a local gathering MESSAGE us on TELEGRAM) That way there will be several of you to work together to help coordinate and organize your local in person gathering. The idea is to provide inspiration and support for you to cultivate and grow your tribe in your local town and community (we will possibly utilize the ReVillager app and platform to support this process).
Partnership SEA (Solar Energy Alliance)
We are honored to be working together with the Solar Energy Alliance. If you would like to help us inspire the use of renewable energy we invite you to join us as an ambassador! We will pay you $1,000 as a thank you for anyone you connect us to that installs a solar system. We are also onboarding new solar consultants with the alliance. This is a great opportunity for part-time or full-time work in the renewable energy industry. See the links below for more information…
Ambassadors (spread the sunshine and receive $1,000 as a thank you!)
Consultants (Part-time & Full-time Career Opportunities)
With love, gratitude and respect
Joshua Alvord and the Local Earth Team