
We invite you to join us on the “Ecologic Solutions Caravan” to Standing Rock!  We are a group of activated citizens that care deeply about the health of our environment and planet as a whole.  This historic event and movement is creating a global opportunity for all of us to discuss and implement ecologic solutions on a local and global scale.

We are traveling to Standing Rock to support the movement in any ways we can that are based in peaceful and solution oriented actions that are in harmony with the environment and all relations.

We are traveling to Standing Rock to support the movement in any way we can that is based in peaceful, solutions oriented action that is in harmony with the environment and all relations.

We will be caravanning from San Diego to Standing Rock departing Sunday morning Nov. 20th at 7:30am and a second caravan leaving Tuesday Nov. 22nd at 9:00am.  We will be traveling through Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City and many other small towns along the way and we invite YOU to join us in the caravan!

Facebook Event for Caravan on Sunday
Caravan to Standing Rock / Nov 20th


When we arrive we will talk with the elders and council leaders to learn how we can best be of service to the camp and movement.  Our intention is to engage in, inspire and support conversations, projects and actions that are focused on developing ecologic solutions for the camp, local reservation and global community as a whole.

We will be learning about traditional ecologic knowledge, and discussing ways we can best integrate these values with appropriate technology to meet the needs of the camp and our current world.

We will work together with everyone involved to develop regenerative systems that demonstrate to the world that we as land and water protectors are implementing and authentically living the values that we are promoting in this social and environmental movement.

Our caravan is intentionally scheduled to arrive before Thanksgiving so we can bring with us additional cooking/kitchen equipment and food supplies for the camp.  We will be honored to help prepare and serve Thanksgiving meals for the Earth and Water protectors.  We will celebrate this day as a dedication of “Giving Thanks for Traditional Ecologic Knowledge” in honor of the world’s indigenous people and native wisdom.

Donate money for project materials (projects listed below)

Donate $ to Crowdrise


We are hosting a music and art fundraising event at Elka Yoga here in San Diego on Friday Nov. 18th at 7:00pm (will update website soon with details).  If you would like to participate in or help plan the fundraiser please contact us!  If you live in another city and will be joining us on the caravan we invite you to host a fundraising event as well!

Facebook Event for Fundraiser event on Friday
Fundraiser Event in San Diego / Nov 18th

At Standing Rock we will be engaging in discussions, plans and projects focused on topics such as…

  • winterizing tipis and providing warm shelters for the winter
  • natural building projects
  • renewable energy projects
  • tiny house building from ecologically sourced materials
  • renewable heating and lighting solutions that minimize our the of fossil fuel
  • thermal greenhouses and aquaponics for food production
  • rocket stove building (possibly with integration of thermal mass benches of cob etc)
  • rainwater/snow harvesting systems
  • earthworks & land berming for food forests
  • greywater systems
  • water filtration systems
  • solar ovens
  • composting toilets and waste management systems
  • whole-systems design schemes and blueprints for ecovillage development
  • etc…

** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THIS!  EVERYONE must be FULLY prepared to deal with the cold weather!  Their will potentially be harsh conditions as winter is on its way.  EVERYONE must take responsibility for themselves and have your own equipment to sleep and prepare food.  This means heavy duty tents, sleeping bags, cooking equipment and food.  We will possibly be taking some extra kitchen equipment to set up a kitchen for our group or contribute to the larger kitchens that are already established in other camps.  We do not fully know the exact logistics of how much equipment we will have for cooking etc.  This means that everyone must be prepared to take care of themselves and we will pool our resources and efforts to make sure it is as efficient as possible.  We need to make sure we SHOW UP IN SERVICE FULLY prepared to take care of ourselves.  We are showing up to HELP and CONTRIBUTE… we do not want the people already there working to protect the water to have to take care of us.

** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THIS!  Information about camps, history and cultural information (

** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THIS!  Please ONLY RSVP to the Facebook event if you REALLY are planning on caravanning with us. DO NOT say “GOING” unless you are truly GOING.  We need to communicate with the camps and council before leaving to let them know how many people will be arriving and coordinate with them what supplies we will be bringing etc.

** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THIS!  We will be caravanning up to Standing Rock together.  We will establish contact with the Native elders and council leaders together as a group to be of service and take action based on what feels in alignment with our intentions of supporting peaceful and eco-solutions oriented work.  It is up to each individual and car load of people to coordinate how long you want to stay, what projects you choose to engage in, and when you will return home.  Some of our team will be staying for about a week, others may stay longer.

Caravan #1 / Sunday Nov. 20th @ 7:30am

  • Caravan #1 will arrive early to deliver supplies, help set up camp and prepare to assist with Thanksgiving meals

San Diego / 7:30am

  • Rendezvous point coming soon (check back for details)

Los Angeles /  9:30am

  • Rendezvous point coming soon (check back for details)

Las Vegas / 12:30pm

  • Rendezvous point coming soon (check back for details)

Salt Lake / Monday Nov. 21st @ 7:00am

  • Rendezvous point coming soon (check back for details)

Bismarck / Tuesday Nov. 22nd @ 7:00am

  • Rendezvous point coming soon (check back for details)

Caravan #2 / Tuesday Nov. 22nd @ 9:00 am

  • Caravan #2 is for those who can not leave on the 20th.
  • #2 will follow up with any more supplies needed and arrive in time to help prepare and serve Thanksgiving meals.

San Diego / 9:00am

  • Rendezvous point coming soon (check back for details)

Los Angeles /  11:00am

  • Rendezvous point coming soon (check back for details)

Las Vegas / 2:00pm

  • Rendezvous point coming soon (check back for details)

Salt Lake / Wednesday Nov. 23rd @ 7:00am

  • Rendezvous point coming soon (check back for details)

If you would like to participate in this caravan and these projects please join us!!  You can email us at  Please also join our Facebook group for updated communications as well as to share ideas for ecologic solutions even if you can’t join us for the caravan.

Join the Ecologic Solutions Facebook Group

Ecologic Solutions Group

With love and gratitude,
The Ecologic Solutions Team



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