Greetings ecologically-minded videographers, editors and media production teams of the world! We invite you to collaborate and participate with us in an open-source research & media project called the Earth 2.0 ReGeneration Tour. This is part of a research project that is being developed to discover innovative and regenerative solutions to the current social and environmental challenges we are facing on the planet today. We are re-evaluating social systems with the intention of upgrading or redesigning any systems necessary to support the optimal health and evolution of our planet as a whole. (Earth 2.0 Research Project)
Who are the ecological pioneers, visionaries and solutionaries in your community?! We are asking you to help us find them and share their story with a global audience! We are cross-pollinating innovative ideas by connecting synergistic individuals and organizations from around the world.
We are co-creating this project with a unique and avant-garde approach. Traveling across the country with a media team and film gear creates complex and challenging travel logistics. We are doing our best to keep this process as simple and streamlined as possible, so we can focus on the task at hand – finding regenerative solutions and sharing them with the world! We put on our creative thinking caps and thought to ourselves – let’s use technology in a mindful and efficient way to connect with local media teams; they know what’s happening in their local community and are already located there with their gear.
Ways to contribute…
- Send us a message recommending people, projects or organizations in your community to feature in this project (
- Meet up with our scouting team for 1-3 hours to film a short interview and/or B-role footage of the recommended project
- Edit footage to create a short 2-5 minute video featuring the project information covered
- We will share the content on our collaborative Social Media platform for the project
- We will credit you for any content created and you can use the content however you wish for personal use
- Local Earth is a 501c3 nonprofit organization – any time or content contributed to the project as an in-kind donation can be written off for tax purposes
- We will provide donors with a signed in-kind donation form as a thank you for contributions
- Fundraising & sponsorship options can be discussed on a project by project basis
Phase I – Scouting & Research for Documentary
Preliminary research and scouting for elements to feature in the Earth 2.0 ReGeneration documentary. This will include visiting recommended projects, short interviews and B-role footage. Sharing the solutions we discover and content we create with a collaborative network of social media platforms.
Phase II – Creating the Blueprints & Building the Villages
Share the story of a group of visionary ecovillage pioneers that are bringing together all of the best ideas we discover to design and develop regenerative community blueprints for human civilization. These community models and education centers will be scaled, replicated and integrated worldwide via innovative urban and rural planning models. The 1st team of 12 people is currently being formed to design and build the 1st Living Cluster.
Phase III – Creating the Earth 2.0 ReGeneration Documentary
Creating a documentary film that shares the story and evolution of the Earth 2.0 Project. From phase I scouting missions to discover solutions, all the way to phase II construction of regenerative community models and educations centers.
Phase I Interview questions
1) What do you feel are the most practical ways and steps of action that individuals can take to begin living a more regenerative lifestyle?
2) What do you feel are the most important steps we can take at the collective level to inspire, empower and cultivate regenerative solutions at a community scale?
3) At what scale do you think our actions are most impactful – from individual to collective?
4) What do you feel are the most important and appropriate technologies to focus on in relation to regenerative community development and whole-systems design?
Chapter #1 – Southwest Tour (Summer 2017)
- Unify Festival & Village Building Immersion
- Earthship Biotecture Institute
- Arcosanti
- Biosphere 2
- The Lama Foundation
- The Hummingbird Community & Living School
- …more locations coming soon!
Chapter #2 – West Coast Tour (2018/2019)
- The ReGenerative Design Institute
- The Occidental Arts & Ecology Center
- The Solar Living Institute
- Aprovecho
- Tribalize
- ReInhabiting the Village / Trillium
- Institute of Noetic Sciences
- The Ecology Center
- LA EcoVillage
- Local Earth Village Design Lab
- …more locations coming soon!
Chapter #3 – Across the Sea to Europe (2018/2019)
- Damanhur
- Findhorn
- Tamera
- …more locations coming soon!