Thank you so much for your participation and contribution to our CommUnity Visioning! For those that feel inspired to continue exploring the potential of creating community together, below are the next STEPS of ACTION for continued engagement and participation to keep the momentum going! This also goes for people that were not able to participate in the initial visioning, yet would like to stay involved moving forward.

Next Steps…

  1. Join the Telegram Channel
  2. Complete your information in the Visioning & Community Elements google docs
  3. Participate in the followup Visioning meeting if possible (Friday, Jan 29th @ 4:00 PST)
  4. Participate in the Baja Project meeting if interested (Wednesday, Jan 27th @ 4:30 PST)
  5. Participate in the “Creating a Life Together” study group (Wednesday, February 3rd)

Please join this Telegram Channel ( Moving forward our communication will be taking place on Telegram (we will no longer be using the Facebook Messenger thread).

Please complete filling in your information on the Visioning & Community Elements documents before our next meeting. Also please take the time to read about the visions of other people in the group, review what elements they are interested in and watch other peoples videos. (all documents can be found in Master Index:

For those interested in the Baja Community/Ecovillage and Healing Sanctuary project we are having a meeting on Wednesday (Jan. 27th) @ 4:30pm PST.

For those that are able please join us for our Visioning followup meeting next Friday (Jan. 29th) @ 4:00pm – we will be further discussing what our potential next steps are together.

To continue building momentum, knowledge, skills, cohesion and energy we are coordinating a study group for the book “Creating a Life Together”.  Our 1st study group session will be on Wednesday, February 3rd. If you would like to participate, get your book soon! See this link for more info about the book and the study group (

Master Index

Here is a link to our Master Index document ( – this links to all necessary information and resources. It is recommended that you bookmark/save this page and document for easy reference. 
