
I pledge this agreement to myself, community and Planet. ______________________________________________________________  (signature) _______________________________________ (date)


Agreement:  A world-view and personal actions grounded in principles of optimal health and ecologic sustainability.  Health in relationship to self, community and Planet.

Health – Using the term ‘health’ in context of a lifestyle that simultaneously supports optimal personal health, and health in relation to the planet as a whole.  Health in relationship to thoughts, words, actions, feelings, physical body, emotional body, self expression, fulfilment and spirit.

  • Planet:  Living with an understanding that everything on Earth (and Universe) is connected.  Living in a way that my thoughts, words, actions and lifestyle support the optimal health of the planet as a whole.
  • Community:  Practicing a healthy balance of self reliance and interdependence.  Celebrating unity and diversity.  Living in a way that my thoughts, words, actions and lifestyle support the optimal health of my community as a whole.
  • Self:  Placing myself in an environment that supports my most optimal personal health.  Living in a way that my thoughts, words, actions and lifestyle support the optimal health of myself as a whole being.

Ecologic Sustainability – The intention of living a lifestyle that is harmonious, connected and regenerative to the surrounding natural environment and ecosystem.  Using permaculture to design and implement the most efficient and environmentally sustainable living practices possible.

Local & Global Community –  Thoughts and actions focused on creating healthy and resilient local community.  A simple philosophy rooted in the belief that everything on Earth (and Universe) is connected.  Working together with both local and global community in order to sustain a thriving planet.  Living in a conscious, healthy and sustainable local manner as an effective way to support the health of the global community.  Working together to create a fulfilling, peaceful, just and sustainable human presence on this planet.

…In Harmony with People and Planet!


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