Water footprints on leaf

We would be honored if you would consider being a featured guest for our Exploring Coherence Discussion Series. In this series we are discussing collaborative steps of action with Cohere to build a distributed global network of co-living spaces that combine the value of owning a home with the freedom of renting.  Exploring Coherence is one of our primary channels for the Local Earth Discussion Series.  Local Earth is a nonprofit organization focused on environmental stewardship and regenerative community development.  Please see the discussion outline and requirements below.

Discussion Agreement & Requirements

  • 45-90 minute virtual conversation with host Joshua Alvord recorded on Zoom
  • The recording will be shared on various social media channels
  • Quiet place with good light and solid internet connection
  • Computer or laptop with quality video and sound (headset or microphone is beneficial, yet not required)
  • You have have the opportunity to promote projects you are working on and share the recording of our discussion with anyone you would like

Test Zoom Call

  • We will schedule a brief test Zoom at least 1 week prior to our ‘official’ scheduled discussion
  • This will only require 5-10 minutes to test our computer equipment compatibility for audio and video
  • We can also use this opportunity to brainstorm a few talking points we would like to cover in our discussion
  • For our test Zoom please be in the same location and use the same equipment that you will be using for our official recorded discussion so we can evaluate the lighting, background and audio levels
  • If possible it would be nice for you to be in a well lit space with natural or warm lighting and a visually pleasing backdrop (tapestry, plant, artwork, etc.)
  • The focus and priority of our recorded discussion is the quality and content of our conversation not the video quality – yet we will do our best to make sure the audio and video is as professional as possible with the equipment we have available
  • Feel free to take a look at some our past discussion recordings to get a feel for the format – the current process is slightly modified yet this link provides a general idea of the format (local-earth.org/discussions)

Q&A (Optional)

  • If desired we can host a short interactive Q&A session 2-4 weeks after our initial discussion (approximately 30 minutes)
  • This provides people with several weeks to watch the discussion recording and ask us questions on a public interactive Zoom webinar

Potential Topics for Discussion

  • What inspires you most about the Cohere vision and plan to build a distributed network of co-living spaces that combines the value of owning a home with the freedom of renting?
  • What do you feel are the biggest challenges that must be addressed with the Cohere vision and plan?
  • What do you feel are the best ways to facilitate effective collaboration and network building in the realms of regenerative community development?
  • What do you feel are the best ways to cultivate coherence amongst a group of people co-living and co-working together?
  • What do you feel are the best ways of finding people with similar shared vision and values in the context of building community?

Please complete our Featured Guest Form!

If you would like to be a featured guest for an upcoming episode of the Exploring Coherence Discussion Series please complete the Featured Guest Form. We will respond to you via phone or email to schedule a time for our test Zoom call and answer any questions you may have.

Featured Guest Form

Thank you so much for your time and consideration,

Joshua Alvord, Local Earth & the Cohere Team
